Sunday 27 December 2015

Galaxy Defenders - Xeno-Beta - Complete

Pictures of the finished Xeno-Beta below.  As with the Xeno-Greys, the colour scheme I'm using for the armour is based on the rank of the mini in question.  Green armour for the "green" aliens which are the standard ones.  Blue armour for the "blue" aliens which are a little more dangerous.

You looking at me?


Sunday 20 December 2015

Galaxy Defenders - Xeno-Grey - Complete

Well, I finally managed to get the Xeno-Grey mini's sealed.  As I mentioned before, the Xeno-Grey is basically Ares Games version of the classic Grey that is prevalent in sci-fi.  It's an interesting mini although it doesn't really feel like a Grey as its a bit too tall.

Lizard eyes

Natch, I have a picture of their backside

Sunday 6 December 2015

Galaxy Defenders - Xeno-Beta - WIP

I've actually managed to finish up the Xeno-Greys.  However, I haven't sealed them yet as I wanted to finish off some more models before hitting them all with the spray.  Which also means I don't have a pic of the finished thing yet.

Instead, I managed to get started on some of the Xeno-Betas - a different type of alien from Galaxy Defenders.

A similar approach was taken to painting these

Sunday 29 November 2015

Galaxy Defenders - Xeno-Grey - WIP

Going for another change of pace as I'm painting up some sci-fi minis.  These are Ares Games version of the classic alien Grey - a staple of any creepy sci-fi show.

These are actually pretty much finished.  Due to a simple colour scheme, I was able to blow through these really quickly.  Just a little bit more work and I will call these ones complete.

Different colour scheme (blue vs green) is to represent different ranks of the Xeno-Grey.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Zombie game - Amy - Complete

Woot!  Finished off Amy!

This actually took me longer than I expected as this has been a really busy week workwise.  As a result, didn't get much time to paint.  Luckily, I didn't need to do much to finish the job.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Zombie game - Amy - WIP

Managed to get in a lot of work done on my next survivor - Goth Amy.

This mini shows why I'm not a very good painter.  My hands aren't steady enough and you can really see this when I try to do the freehand on the stockings.

Almost finished.  I just need to do a bit more detail work and then I'm done.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Zombie game - Josh - Complete

I managed to finish up Josh over the last week.  After the wash I did last week, I decided that the skin was a little too dark so I ended up lightening it up a little bit.

Unf, the face isn't fully in focus

Are those CK pants?

Sunday 1 November 2015

Zombie game - Josh - WIP - Part 1

Well, I managed to finish off the rest of my Goblins in my Marauder team.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the finished article.  On the plus side, they are pretty identical to the other goblins I painted so its not like another picture would have been a surprise.


After doing a glut of "good enough" bulk painting, its time to get back to painting single mini's.  Which means its time to paint another survivor in my zombie game!

Below is a WIP shot of Josh.  So far, I've basecoated the flesh and the hoodie.  I also gave the flesh a wash.  I've generally avoided using washes on my survivor minis as I wanted them to have a very clean cartoony look to fit with the cartoonish feel of the game.  However, the flesh I used was a bit too pale so I wanted to darken the colour a little.  Hopefully, I don't regret that decision!

Sunday 18 October 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Goblins redux WIP - Part 1

Now onto my second batch of Goblins.  Been making steady progress on these as you can see from the pictures.  Hopefully, will be able to finish these within 2 more weeks.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Goblins - Complete

Finished up my first batch of Goblins.  Unfortunately, the photo didn't come out too well as I forgot to switch to manual mode on my camera.  Ah well...

Sunday 27 September 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Goblins WIP - Part 2


With a couple of weeks additional work, my goblin team is almost finished.  I should be able to complete these by next week which means that I can move on to ... my other squad of goblins.  Hmmm.

Ah well, good thing I'm only painting to a "good enough" quality!

So close and yet so far

Sunday 6 September 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Goblins WIP - Part 1

After doing the Marauder Orx, I'm now onto the Goblins.  To be honest though, I'm getting a little sick of this paint scheme - particularly as I'm going to have to repeat for another set of 8-9 Goblins after this set.

What this ultimately means is that instead of painting to a tabletop level, I'm not painting to a "good enough" level.

My first set of Goblins - another set of 8-9 to go!!!!

Sunday 30 August 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx - Complete

Managed to finish off the Orx.  Primarily, this was adding the colour gradient to the disc and numbering each of the Orx.  Then I based them and added a bit of colour to the base.

I also managed to get my hands on a lightbox so the quality of the photo should be better.


Sunday 16 August 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx WIP - Part 5

Spent a lot of the last week doing detail work.  Unfortunately, as detail work is finicky, it always takes a ridiculously long amount of time.  Especially when compared to the earlier efforts, it always seems like I make a lot of progress quickly and then get bogged down in detail work.

Still, it tends to be the detail work which makes the mini stand out so ultimately, I guess it's worth it.  Right?

Completed the metal, straps and highlights on the black armour

Sunday 9 August 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx WIP - Part 4

Some more progress on my Marauder Orx.  It feels like I'm really close to finishing these now and hopefully, I will be able to finish them off in another week or two.

Anyway, I added in some details on nails and teeth and have started in on the metal boots.  Once I've finished off the boots, I intend to start doing some lining on the black parts of the armour and finish up some of the detail work.


Sunday 2 August 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx WIP - Part 3

I'm back!

After a long holiday (which I'll talk more about on my main blog), I'm now back in Hong Kong and will hopefully get back to a normal publishing schedule.

More importantly, I made some more progress on my Dreadball Orx.

I've finished up painting the red on the armor.  If I were painting these as individual pieces, I would probably try to go up another shade or two in colour for the highlights.  However, there are mass pieces and I've already spent more than enough time on the armor so the current state will have to do.


Sunday 28 June 2015

No progress this week

Unfortunately, another week with no progress.

The last several weeks has been frustrating from a painting pov.  I don't know if this is due to the heat but I have been feeling very lethargic lately.  Haven't even been doing much gaming - spend most of my time sitting around vegetating.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx WIP - Part 2

Another week with minimal painting.  Primarily for 2 reasons.

  1. It's starting to get really hot in Hong Kong so I'm feeling lethargic.  At the moment, all I really want to do is sit around and let the sweat roll off...
  2. The second reason is that I've been a little bit addicted to Lord of the Rings LCG lately.  I've been posting about it on my gaming blog and it really is a fantastic game!
Anyway, over the last week, I've started to basecoat the armour with white.  I'm planning to have their armour a relatively bright red so wanted the layer of white in there before I got started with the red.

Kinda wished I had primed them white instead of black now.

Sloooow progress

Sunday 14 June 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx WIP - Part 1

I'm back to painting dreadball minis.  Hopefully, once I complete the Marauder team, that will give me 2 complete teams to that I can start playing around with Dreadball.  :D

Haven't done a huge amount yet.  Almost finished with the skin tone (almost).  The model is a bit dark as I primed black so I will likely paint the armour white as I want a slightly brighter shade of red for the armour.

I haven't completed the skin tone for the ones on the left 

Sunday 7 June 2015

Nothing painted this week

Well, after the burst of painting last week, I didn't manage to get anything done this week.  On the bright side, I did manage to get some models primed last night so I should be able to get some painting done next week.

Sunday 31 May 2015

Dreadball - Refbot and balls - Complete

Thanks to the public holiday we had on Monday, I had a good paint week and managed to finish up the refbot and balls from Dreadball.  To be fair, the fact that its a simple paint scheme also helped.

And yes, the refbot literally has eyes in the back of her head.

Pointing at the ball!

Pointing at the other ball!

Sunday 24 May 2015

Zombie game - Ned - Complete

Woohoo!  Despite not getting much paint time this week, I did finally complete Ned.

You don't often see white glasses :)

Another back view - and good comparison shot to last week

Sunday 17 May 2015

Zombie game - Ned - WIP - Part 2

Some more progress, although not as much as I would like, on Ned.

Back view of the model this time as I spent a lot of time this week working on his jacket and trousers.  Hoping to get this model finished this week.

Quite pleased with the highlighting on the trousers

Sunday 10 May 2015

Zombie game - Ned - WIP

Here is the latest WIP picture - another survivor, this time called Ned.

Ned is not a nerd

Zombie game - Phil - Complete

Quick recap from last weeks post - if you recall, I had a fantastic painting week where I almost finished painting the mini.  Alas, this week has been pathetic from a painting point of view.  I will post up the latest WIP I have in a separate post but it has been disappointing as, for a short moment of time, I had a faint hope of completing 1 mini a week.

The good news is that I finished up Phil.  Not much of a change from last week other than the addition of blood and gore.

Also, I really need to get a macro lens.  :(

Say hi to Rick Phil

Wait, come back!  I didn't call you Rick!

Sunday 3 May 2015

Zombie game - Phil - WIP

I had a good week in terms of painting as I had a bit of a burst of painting activity.  Working on another survivor for my zombie game.

Below is Phil.  He's pretty much finished.  All I need to do is seal him and put in some blood effects.

You looking at me?

Sunday 26 April 2015

Zombie game - Wanda - Complete

Managed to get Wanda finished off.  I add in some minimal blood effects as this is supposed to be the zombivor version but I kept the back view relatively clean.  No reason other than that I thought it would be funny.

Skates, chainsaws and blood!

Back view

Sunday 19 April 2015

Zombie game - Wanda - WIP

After months of painting "armies", its good to be getting back to painting singles.

Painting armies, and speed painting as a whole, is necessary sometimes for the purpose of gaming.  Over the last couple of months, I've been painting up my Dreadball squads as well as some zombies for my zombie board game.  However, speed painting isn't something that you really enjoy.  It's just something you get through for the purpose of the game.

As such, it's good to be getting back to painting single mini's which is a lot more fun.  Granted, in this case, it's still a mini for use in a board game but taking a little extra time on the figure is a lot of fun and gives a much better sense of satisfaction.

Below is Wanda.  She is a waitress on wheels i.e. rollerskates.  The version I have is the zombivor version so you can see some torn clothing as well as chunks having been ripped out of her legs etc.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Zombie game - Toxic Zombies - Complete

First off, a quick note to let you know that I will be changing my blogging schedule starting from next week.  Instead of posting 3 updates across my blogs on Sunday, I will be using the below schedule.  In brief, this will allow me to spread out my posts as well as work load.

And now - back to your regular scheduled program!

Woot - finished all of the toxic zombies!

The blood and gore is done using a mix of Tamiya Clear Red and Black Wash.  I then go over it again with just the Clear Red.  This is a great blood combo and comes out looking really fresh and gory.  Which is great for zombies.  :)


Sunday 5 April 2015

Zombie game - Toxic Zombies - WIP - Part 2

Another update on my speed painted toxic zombies and a good illustration for why its called speed painting.

As you can see, the zombies from last weeks pic have almost been completed together with the Abomination (on the left side of the pic).  At this point, all I need to do is seal them and then add on the gore effects and that will be the completion of all the toxic zombies I own!

Almost done!

Sunday 29 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic Zombies - WIP

Woo-hoo!  Back to painting again this week!

Again, doing speed painting of zombies.  Doing some runners and fatties.  Fatties are done using a similar paint scheme to the walkers i.e. less bright colours.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Nothing painted this week

Unfortunately, I didn't do any painting at all this week.

Primarily, this was due to me mucking around with Tabletop Simulator (including creating my own mod).  While this was a lot of fun, it did completely take up all my spare time such that I didn't manage to get any painting done.

Hopefully, a better message next week!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic zombies - Complete

Managed to finish off the latest batch of toxic zombies.  Still have one more round to go before I finish off all of my toxic zombies but I'm making slow but steady progress!  Woot!

Eyes are done with Sun Yellow from Reaper.  Hit the bases with Pure Black and with one stripe (Pure White then hit with a Biel-Tan Green wash) for walkers and two stripes for runners.  This is just to make them easier to distinguish while on the board.

After spraying them with a sealer, I then used Tamiya Clear Red mixed with a little black wash for the blood effect.  When it comes to blood, Tamiya Clear Red is like magic in how good the blood comes out (all fresh looking and bleurghy).

Blood effects!  Gore!!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic zombies - WIP - Part 2

Almost done with the toxic zombies.  Just need to add in some detail to the faces and finish the base.

The clothes are painted in a variety of different colours.  Generally, I try to hit the walkers with more muted colours and the runners with more vibrant colours so that there is a bit of differentiation to them when on the board.

I also gave them a wash with Agrax Earthshade to add a bit of definition.  The wash also mades them look muddy and dirty which is appropriate for zombies.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic zombies - WIP

Now that I've finished painting one of my dreadball teams, I'm switching gears again and going back to painting zombies.  I still have a bucket of these which are awaiting paint so I have decided to forego tabletop quality and to go straight up speed paint territory.

The game that these are used in will result in a ton of them on the board anyway so it might not even be obvious that they are speed paints.

These were primed white.  Then I hit painted the flesh with a light flesh tone before hitting it with Biel-Tan Green wash.  This makes the skin green and "toxic-y".

Hair and clothes are just painted with various random colours.  Generally, I go with brighter colours for runners and darker colours for walkers.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Deadzone - Plague - Complete

I'm actually on holiday at the moment so you can get a picture of an old mini instead.

Strictly speaking, it's not actually an old mini.

The mini itself is the Plague Teraton from Mantic's Deadzone game.  In brief, it is a giant turtle that can hit hard and which has been infected by the plague - making it even more dangerous!

I haven't actually put any paint on this mini in a long time so in that sense, the mini has been completed for a long time.  However, I hadn't actually sealed the mini before so, officially, the mini was never actually "complete" until last week.

One mean mutha!
The completion of the Plague Teraton also means that my Deadzone Plague army is finally complete.


Monday 16 February 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Complete

Managed to finally finish off my Corporation team.

Now all I need is an opponent.

Close-up of the finished strikers

A slice of the full team

Sunday 8 February 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Stikers WIP - Part 5

Almost finished with the strikers.

Managed to hit the blue parts of the armour with Sky Blue paint, followed by Drakenhof Nightshade wash and dry brush back up with Sky Blue.  Then I hit some highlights with LED Blue.

Also hit the under-armour and base with Pure Black and the position marker (ie center disc) with Fire Red.

Next is to hit the position marker with some highlights.

Almost finished my Dreadball Corporation team!

Sunday 1 February 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Jacks and Strikers WIP - Part 4

Almost finished up with the Corporation Jacks.

In terms of paint, I have done all I intend to for the Jacks.  The only thing left to do is seal them and then put them on their base.

The gradient yellow comes out better in this photo

However, I decided to start painting my Corporation Strikers instead.  Primarily, I wanted to finish up some more models before hitting them all with a spray sealant.

Progress so far - base painted the silver armor, washed it with black wash and dry brushed.  I also managed to hit the light areas of armor with white paint in preparation for the upcoming light paint.


Sunday 25 January 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Jacks WIP - Part 3

You guessed it!  Another week of slow progress!

Briefly, I hit the Corporation Jacks with a black wash and then drybrushed with Polished Silver.  Then I hit the head, hands and various "light" points with white paint in preparation for Sky Blue paint.  The head and hands got a wash of Drakenhof Nightshade before a drybrush of Sky Blue to bring the colour back up.

I then hit some highlights with LED Blue as well as painting in some of the detail on the facemask - Fire Red for eyes, Pure black for the neck and Pure White for the mask trim.

Next steps are:

  • Yellow center disc
  • White highlights on black body armor

Almost there!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Jacks WIP - Part 2

This week is a perfect example of what I talked about in my introductory post.

Due to a bit too much time spent playing around with my new camera and a bit too much time spent playing Hearthstone meant that I really didn't get much painting done this week.  With that said, it wasn't all bad as I did, at least, manage to finish up painting the Dreadball Corporation Jacks.

I managed to paint in the centre circle.  Its painted with a darker yellow then highlighted up to a brighter yellow at the bottom of the centre circle.  Unfortunately, the detail of the circle doesn't really come through in the picture and it looks fairly monotone in colour.

Protecting the ball carrier :)
Having finished up the Corporation Jacks, I then realised that I actually managed to forget to include some of my models.  Facepalm!

Anyway, I managed to get my remaining Jacks primed and then managed to paint the armor with a basecoat of silver paint.  Next step, as you know from my previous post, is to hit them with a black wash to bring out some of the detail.

Alternate Jack sculpt as well as some wounded Jacks