Sunday 28 February 2016

Galaxy Defenders - Xeno-Beast - WIP

Moving on to some more alien miniatures from the Galaxy Defenders game.  I've actually been spending a bit more time on this mini as there is only one of them in the box - which I guess shows how nasty it is!

Big and nasty!

Sunday 21 February 2016

Galaxy Defenders - Nexus - Complete

Woot - the weather improved for a day or two and that was enough for me to get the Nexus finished.  Unfortunately, the forecast is for another cold spell.  :(

These were painted using the same quick technique that I've been using for other GD models.

That is a really BIG gun!

If nothing else, at least I'm getting better at taking these photos...

Sunday 14 February 2016

Too cold to paint!

Just a quick update as to why I haven't been doing much painting much recently.

Basically, the reason is because its been too cold recently.  There isn't much of any kind of central heating in Hong Kong so when it becomes really cold, the only way to deal with it is by dressing up in multiple layers and putting on heavy jackets etc.  In short, you wear so much that fine motor control is pretty much impossible (not to mention the fact that, despite all the clothing, you're still shivering!).

The weather did improve over the last week but with Chinese New Year, I was away on holiday.  I am now back but with the forecast for the next week being more cold, it's anyones guess as to whether I will be doing any painting.

Anyway - here's hoping things get better soon!