Sunday 29 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic Zombies - WIP

Woo-hoo!  Back to painting again this week!

Again, doing speed painting of zombies.  Doing some runners and fatties.  Fatties are done using a similar paint scheme to the walkers i.e. less bright colours.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Nothing painted this week

Unfortunately, I didn't do any painting at all this week.

Primarily, this was due to me mucking around with Tabletop Simulator (including creating my own mod).  While this was a lot of fun, it did completely take up all my spare time such that I didn't manage to get any painting done.

Hopefully, a better message next week!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic zombies - Complete

Managed to finish off the latest batch of toxic zombies.  Still have one more round to go before I finish off all of my toxic zombies but I'm making slow but steady progress!  Woot!

Eyes are done with Sun Yellow from Reaper.  Hit the bases with Pure Black and with one stripe (Pure White then hit with a Biel-Tan Green wash) for walkers and two stripes for runners.  This is just to make them easier to distinguish while on the board.

After spraying them with a sealer, I then used Tamiya Clear Red mixed with a little black wash for the blood effect.  When it comes to blood, Tamiya Clear Red is like magic in how good the blood comes out (all fresh looking and bleurghy).

Blood effects!  Gore!!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic zombies - WIP - Part 2

Almost done with the toxic zombies.  Just need to add in some detail to the faces and finish the base.

The clothes are painted in a variety of different colours.  Generally, I try to hit the walkers with more muted colours and the runners with more vibrant colours so that there is a bit of differentiation to them when on the board.

I also gave them a wash with Agrax Earthshade to add a bit of definition.  The wash also mades them look muddy and dirty which is appropriate for zombies.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Zombie game - Toxic zombies - WIP

Now that I've finished painting one of my dreadball teams, I'm switching gears again and going back to painting zombies.  I still have a bucket of these which are awaiting paint so I have decided to forego tabletop quality and to go straight up speed paint territory.

The game that these are used in will result in a ton of them on the board anyway so it might not even be obvious that they are speed paints.

These were primed white.  Then I hit painted the flesh with a light flesh tone before hitting it with Biel-Tan Green wash.  This makes the skin green and "toxic-y".

Hair and clothes are just painted with various random colours.  Generally, I go with brighter colours for runners and darker colours for walkers.