Sunday 26 April 2015

Zombie game - Wanda - Complete

Managed to get Wanda finished off.  I add in some minimal blood effects as this is supposed to be the zombivor version but I kept the back view relatively clean.  No reason other than that I thought it would be funny.

Skates, chainsaws and blood!

Back view

Sunday 19 April 2015

Zombie game - Wanda - WIP

After months of painting "armies", its good to be getting back to painting singles.

Painting armies, and speed painting as a whole, is necessary sometimes for the purpose of gaming.  Over the last couple of months, I've been painting up my Dreadball squads as well as some zombies for my zombie board game.  However, speed painting isn't something that you really enjoy.  It's just something you get through for the purpose of the game.

As such, it's good to be getting back to painting single mini's which is a lot more fun.  Granted, in this case, it's still a mini for use in a board game but taking a little extra time on the figure is a lot of fun and gives a much better sense of satisfaction.

Below is Wanda.  She is a waitress on wheels i.e. rollerskates.  The version I have is the zombivor version so you can see some torn clothing as well as chunks having been ripped out of her legs etc.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Zombie game - Toxic Zombies - Complete

First off, a quick note to let you know that I will be changing my blogging schedule starting from next week.  Instead of posting 3 updates across my blogs on Sunday, I will be using the below schedule.  In brief, this will allow me to spread out my posts as well as work load.

And now - back to your regular scheduled program!

Woot - finished all of the toxic zombies!

The blood and gore is done using a mix of Tamiya Clear Red and Black Wash.  I then go over it again with just the Clear Red.  This is a great blood combo and comes out looking really fresh and gory.  Which is great for zombies.  :)


Sunday 5 April 2015

Zombie game - Toxic Zombies - WIP - Part 2

Another update on my speed painted toxic zombies and a good illustration for why its called speed painting.

As you can see, the zombies from last weeks pic have almost been completed together with the Abomination (on the left side of the pic).  At this point, all I need to do is seal them and then add on the gore effects and that will be the completion of all the toxic zombies I own!

Almost done!