Sunday 25 January 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Jacks WIP - Part 3

You guessed it!  Another week of slow progress!

Briefly, I hit the Corporation Jacks with a black wash and then drybrushed with Polished Silver.  Then I hit the head, hands and various "light" points with white paint in preparation for Sky Blue paint.  The head and hands got a wash of Drakenhof Nightshade before a drybrush of Sky Blue to bring the colour back up.

I then hit some highlights with LED Blue as well as painting in some of the detail on the facemask - Fire Red for eyes, Pure black for the neck and Pure White for the mask trim.

Next steps are:

  • Yellow center disc
  • White highlights on black body armor

Almost there!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Jacks WIP - Part 2

This week is a perfect example of what I talked about in my introductory post.

Due to a bit too much time spent playing around with my new camera and a bit too much time spent playing Hearthstone meant that I really didn't get much painting done this week.  With that said, it wasn't all bad as I did, at least, manage to finish up painting the Dreadball Corporation Jacks.

I managed to paint in the centre circle.  Its painted with a darker yellow then highlighted up to a brighter yellow at the bottom of the centre circle.  Unfortunately, the detail of the circle doesn't really come through in the picture and it looks fairly monotone in colour.

Protecting the ball carrier :)
Having finished up the Corporation Jacks, I then realised that I actually managed to forget to include some of my models.  Facepalm!

Anyway, I managed to get my remaining Jacks primed and then managed to paint the armor with a basecoat of silver paint.  Next step, as you know from my previous post, is to hit them with a black wash to bring out some of the detail.

Alternate Jack sculpt as well as some wounded Jacks

Sunday 11 January 2015

Dreadball - Corporation - Jacks WIP

So the pictures this week are a perfect illustration of what I meant in my introductory post.

Over the last week, I have been working on my Dreadball Corporation team.  I've been broadly following the "official" paint scheme of the Trontek 29ers but with a couple of twists.

  1. Mine are a bit more beat up
  2. My center plates (not yet done) will have different colours to make it easier to differentiate between strikers, jacks and guards.

In terms of how I did these, I first painted them with a metallic silver paint (1:1 mix of Reapers Honed Steel and Polished Silver).  Then I hit them with a black wash to get the cracks dark and bring the details out.  Then I dry brushed them with Polished Silver.  The dry brush gets the armour looking scratched and beat up.

Primarily, I wanted a beat up look to match the "story" in my mind.  I intend to use these in a league where Dreadball has been off the air for several years due to an unnamed event several years ago.  As a result, the once proud Trontek 29ers are now looking a bit more beat up than in the past due to several years under-funding.

After drybrushing, I then hit the main armour plates with thinned Polished Silver as I didn't want the armour to look too scratched.
My Trontek 29er Jacks
As mentioned above, these models have been in this close-to-finished state all week as I haven't done much painting.  With that said, the only outstanding I want to do is paint in the center disc (currently white in the below close-up).

Hopefully, next week, I will be able to show the finished Jacks.

Close to completion


Wow - a new blog.  Bit odd considering that I haven't been putting much effort into updating my other blogs.  Well, any effort...

So why am I opening a new blog?

Well, a couple of years ago, I took up a new hobby.  Miniature painting.

At the same time, on Kickstarter, there were a tonne of amazing miniature kickstarters where you could get mountains of miniatures for relatively cheap prices (on a per mini basis).  Unfortunately for me, my lack of impulse control led to what can only best be described as a slight overinvestment in plastic and metal.


I've been trying to keep up the practice of painting but have found that my progress has been slow.  To be fair, part of this is the result of my work, where I have to occasionally work evenings, and part of this is the result of family obligations.

Even so, my progress has been very slow.

Basically, this blog is a way to record my progress and hopefully, give me a bit of a mental push to put in the effort to actually spent more time painting my miniatures.

The plan is that I will make 1 post a week detailing the progress on my minis.  Even if I haven't actually completed any minis that week (very likely), I will post a picture of the current wip so that I have a record of how far I have actually gotten that week.

So there it is.  This blog is a not-so-secret attempt to get me to dedicate more time painting.

Let's hope it works.