Sunday 24 April 2016

Running in place

Well, that was depressing.

I actually did do some painting this week.  Unfortunately, it was such a hash job that I decided to strip the models and start again from scratch.  Currently, the models are sitting in a bath so no picture this week.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Zombie game - Doug - Complete

Finally managed to wrap this up.  Honestly, not sure why this took so long other than that I haven't been doing much painting lately.

Overall, I'm not that happy with how the final mini turned out (I wonder if that factored into my lack of motivation on this model...).  Part of the problem is that painting black and white surfaces is really hard and is a skill unto itself.

As you can see from the below, it's a skill which I have yet to master.

Happier with his front than his back

Not sure what happened to the back of his trousers

Sunday 10 April 2016

Zombie game - Doug - WIP Part 2

Unfortunately, not much progress this week as I haven't had much time to paint.  I wonder how many people will even be able to tell what I have done on the model this week...


Sunday 3 April 2016

Quick update

Quick update just to say that I don't have an update!

I've been on holiday so haven't had any time to do any painting.  I'm back now so hopefully I'll have some more painting done by next week.