Sunday 28 June 2015

No progress this week

Unfortunately, another week with no progress.

The last several weeks has been frustrating from a painting pov.  I don't know if this is due to the heat but I have been feeling very lethargic lately.  Haven't even been doing much gaming - spend most of my time sitting around vegetating.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx WIP - Part 2

Another week with minimal painting.  Primarily for 2 reasons.

  1. It's starting to get really hot in Hong Kong so I'm feeling lethargic.  At the moment, all I really want to do is sit around and let the sweat roll off...
  2. The second reason is that I've been a little bit addicted to Lord of the Rings LCG lately.  I've been posting about it on my gaming blog and it really is a fantastic game!
Anyway, over the last week, I've started to basecoat the armour with white.  I'm planning to have their armour a relatively bright red so wanted the layer of white in there before I got started with the red.

Kinda wished I had primed them white instead of black now.

Sloooow progress

Sunday 14 June 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Orx WIP - Part 1

I'm back to painting dreadball minis.  Hopefully, once I complete the Marauder team, that will give me 2 complete teams to that I can start playing around with Dreadball.  :D

Haven't done a huge amount yet.  Almost finished with the skin tone (almost).  The model is a bit dark as I primed black so I will likely paint the armour white as I want a slightly brighter shade of red for the armour.

I haven't completed the skin tone for the ones on the left 

Sunday 7 June 2015

Nothing painted this week

Well, after the burst of painting last week, I didn't manage to get anything done this week.  On the bright side, I did manage to get some models primed last night so I should be able to get some painting done next week.