Sunday 27 September 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Goblins WIP - Part 2


With a couple of weeks additional work, my goblin team is almost finished.  I should be able to complete these by next week which means that I can move on to ... my other squad of goblins.  Hmmm.

Ah well, good thing I'm only painting to a "good enough" quality!

So close and yet so far

Sunday 6 September 2015

Dreadball - Marauder - Goblins WIP - Part 1

After doing the Marauder Orx, I'm now onto the Goblins.  To be honest though, I'm getting a little sick of this paint scheme - particularly as I'm going to have to repeat for another set of 8-9 Goblins after this set.

What this ultimately means is that instead of painting to a tabletop level, I'm not painting to a "good enough" level.

My first set of Goblins - another set of 8-9 to go!!!!